"Life is never easy, and it's not supposed to be. "
Born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri I'm my mother’s only child and father’s youngest of seven, so I learned at an early age the power of imagination, creativity, and love.
In grade school my love for writing exploded as I created my own books, with just a stapler and folded loose-leaf paper, composing stories about best friends who travel to unknown islands and beat monsters in dark caves. I was minding my business, surviving high school with A’s and B’s and enjoying crazy, life-long friendships, when life began throwing unforeseen obstacles my way; my grandmother’s battle with Alzheimer’s; losing friends to violent crimes and diseases; financial hardships; family crisis’; and self-esteem struggles.
With my trinity of women--mother, aunt, and grandmother--motivating and believe in my purpose, I graduated both high school and received my BSBA from the University of Missouri-Columbia – the first to do so in my close family. Unfortunately, that same year tragedy struck with the devastating and sudden loss of my mother.
With darkness at my back, I struggled to stay focus on a career, and eventually just let my passion for writing slip away. That was until my best friend sent me a journal; pleading with me to use it as therapy during this rough time.
And that’s exactly what it became for me – therapy for her mind, body and soul. Refocused on success, I wanted to get back into storytelling, starting professionally by looking for a door into the world of marketing.
In 2008, I took a leap of faith and move to Atlanta, Georgia to start on my new quest into marketing. With no job or apartment, my sister/cousin came to the rescue. I don't mean to boast, but I have the best family in the world. No really!
After three months of intense job hunting, I landed my first Peach State job. With a foot in the door as an admin, I threw myself into marketing projects and was later promoted to marketing coordinator -- a position created just for me. Hard work really does pay off!
In 2010, I went back to school and earned a Masters of Business Administration, propelling me deeper into the marketing arena as a freelance marketing manager.
Currently, I'm a marketing manager for one of the nation’s top universities, all the while still feeding my fiction writing addiction on breaks and at night. Each year, I've tried to take new risks, pushing my creativity, imagination and overall love for my crafts further.
In 2015, I won my first individual award from the University Professional and Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), winning the Sliver award for Strategic Recruitment Marketing Planning. (more about my marcom career...)
In 2016, under the pen name DNC, I self-published my debut book, Untraditional: A Collection of Passion-Fy Short Stories, coining a new genre “passionate fiction” or “passion-fy”. To my shock, it was ranked #70 on Amazon’s Best Seller’s list. Hot damn! (more about my writing career...)
Currently, I enjoy growing my roots in Atlanta, GA with my hubby, three amazing daughters and two dogs. My pursuit for writing and marketing excellence is relentless! I'm learning my purpose and enjoying each step, trip and fall along the way.